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Offer for companies

Commercial building insurance

Commercial building insurance

Commercial building insurance in Switzerland

Comprehensive protection of a business real estate

The excellent condition of the company’s buildings is one of the critical factors for its continued operation. In the event of a natural disaster or fire, the amount of damage can be staggering, even for larger companies. Building insurance is a smart way to ensure that any misfortune does not determine the further existence of the company. Due to that, it is mandatory in a lot of cantons.  

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Commercial liability insurance

Commercial liability insurance

Commercial liability insurance in Switzerland

Commercial liability insurance covers any financial claims against your business under third-party liability laws. It also pays the costs of necessary expert opinions, legal advice and litigation. Reasons for using commercial liability insurance may be various.

Here are some examples:

  • Faulty execution of the order or errors in performance, e.g. damages to a designer sink or mirror caused by an employee while cleaning the customer’s bathroom.
  • Incidents that may happen on your premises, e.g. an injury suffered by a customer slipping on a freshly mopped floor in your store.
  • A damage caused by an unforeseen natural event.
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Occupational accident insurance

Occupational accident insurance

Occupational accident insurance in Switzerland

The Swiss Federal Accident Insurance Act (Bundesgesetz über Unfallversicherung - UVG) requires every employer to protect employees from financial consequences of occupational illness and accidents, whether or not the accidents are work-related. Basic employee accident insurance covers costs as defined by law.

However, if you wish to be more appealing to potential employees, you can take out an extended accident insurance plan.

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Daily sickness benefits insurance

Daily sickness benefits insurance

Daily sickness benefits insurance in Switzerland

Sickness is the most common cause of absence from work. In times of coronavirus, this trend is increasing. If your employees are absent due to illness, you are legally obligated to pay them. When a wave of flu hits, it can be costly, especially for smaller companies, as employees need to be paid despite a lack of income.

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Employee insurance

Employee insurance

Employee insurance in Switzerland

The pension system in Switzerland is based on two pillars: statutory pension insurance (known as AHV/IV) and occupational pension. The two pillars aim to allow everyone in retirement or suffering from a disability to maintain the standard of living they have achieved during their working life. In the event of death, the insurance also covers the maintenance of close ones. It is assumed that these two pillars should equal approximately 60% of the last salary.

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Fleet insurance

Fleet insurance

A cover for company and service vehicles

W sektorze prywatnym prawie każdy wie jak ubezpieczyć samochód: obowiązkowe ubezpieczenie OC, opcjonalne częściowe i pełne ubezpieczenie autocasco oraz pakiet ubezpieczeń dodatkowych, które można wybrać zależnie od potrzeb. W sektorze biznesowym często zachodzi konieczność posiadania wielu pojazdów, które można oczywiście ubezpieczać indywidualnie, ale zazwyczaj nie ma to sensu, gdyż liczba pojazdów stale się zmienia i są one użytkowane na zmianę, przez różne osoby. Ubezpieczenie floty pojazdów jest przy tym zdecydowanie sensowniejszym rozwiązaniem, które pozwala nie tylko zaoszczędzić czas i nakład administracyjny, ale także pieniądze. Składka w ubezpieczeniu floty pojazdów stanowi zwykle znacznie niższy koszt niż suma indywidualnych składek ubezpieczeniowych.

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Commercial legal expenses insurance

Commercial legal expenses insurance

Commercial legal expenses insurance in Switzerland

When you run a business, you deal with plenty of people every day: customers, suppliers, competitors, employees, tenants and so on. Unfortunately, the more interactions with people, the greater the likelihood of a dispute. In business, disputes can very quickly end up in court and incur serious expenses. It’s an unnecessary distraction that keeps you from focusing on what’s most important – running your business.

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NYKS Insurance
Churerstrasse 158
8808 Pfäffikon SZ
Sägetstrasse 116
4802 Strengelbach AG


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